An Unexpected Delay
Published on: Oct 01, 2022
Since I move in two weeks, I was taking care of move related tasks which included calling my new ISP. One of the reasons that swayed me to moving to the country now was the expansion of fiber in the counties.
No noise and gigabit internet? Heck yeah.
Well, it looks like my particular section of the county isn't getting fiber hooked up until February-ish 2023. Which means a few month of cellular-only internet.
Or, to put it another way, developing locally, listening to records and CDs, watching physical movies, and reading books.
Kind of a vacation, really.
I kind of suspected there would be a delay, though I was hoping for something closer to December.
To that end, I've started prepping my desktop for offline work
- updating my Conda environments rather than using Google Colab
- downloading datasets so I can finally work through the entire Machine Learning Bookcamp book
- making sure my local Django environment is setup for putting those ML projects onto this site - even if I need to publish them at a coffee shop or something?
It's going to be a challenge, but it also fits right in with that Slow Living desire.